::. BBK .::
Birkbeck University of London
::. CTI .::
Center for Information Technology
::. FUN .::
Future University Hakodate
::. GATECH .::
Georgia Institute of Technology
Indian Institute of Management Rohtak
::. ITB .::
Institute of Technology Bandung
Kettering University
::. KNU .::
Kainan University
::. KULEUVEN .::
K. University of Leuven
London Metropolitan University
::. MDX .::
Middlesex University
::. METU .::
Middle East Technical University
::. MJU .::
Myongji University
South Korea
::. MSU .::
Moscow State University
::. NAPIER .::
Edinburgh Napier University
::. NNU .::
National United University
University of Nottingham
::. POLSL .::
Politechnika Slaska University
::. PURDUE .::
Purdue University
::. QUT .::
Queensland University of Technology
::. TSINGHUA .::
Tsinghua University
::. U-AIZU .::
University of Aizu
::. UB .::
"Vasile Alecsandri" University of Bacău
::. UBA .::
Universidad de Buenos Aires
::. UCC .::
University College Cork
::. UCR .::
Universidad de Costa Rica
Costa Rica
::. UCM .::
Universidad Complutense
::. UGR .::
Universidad de Granada
::. UHK .::
University of Hong Kong
::. UIOWA .::
University of Iowa
::. UM .::
University of Malta
::. UMD .::
University of Michigan-Dearborn
::. UNC .::
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
::. UNIGE .::
Università degli Studi di Genova
::. UNILJ .::
University of Ljubljana
::. UNIMB .::
University of Maribor
::. UNJU .::
Universidad Nacional de Jujuy
::. UNIVE .::
Università Ca' Foscari Venezia
::. UNIZG .::
University of Zagreb
::. UNSE .::
Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero
::. UofO .::
University of Ottawa
::. UOI .::
University of Ioannina
::. UPR .::
Universidad de Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico
::. US .::
Universidad de Sevilla
::. USC .::
University of Southern California
::. UTN .::
Universidad Tecnológica Nacional
::. UVa .::
Universidad de Valladolid
::. UWI .::
University of the West Indies
::. VMMI .::
Virtual Maastricht McLuhan Institute
the Netherlands
::. VUA .::
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
the Netherlands
::. WSU .::
Wayne State University
|  |

The Second International Conference “Horizons for Information Architecture, Security and Cloud Intelligent Technology (HIASCIT 2014): Programming, Software Quality, Online Communities, Cyber Behaviour and Business” is a premier scientific meeting for discussing the latest advances in the emerging areas of computer sciences and technologies for Internet, intranet, extranet, cloud computing, programing, safety and security, human and social factors, business, software quality, etc.
Many conferences are focussed on specific aspects of computer science, telecommunications, multimedia, etc., and bring together leading experts in a particular field or sometimes on a specific technology. At such large conferences students are often marginalized or relegated to poster sessions. The conferences, workshops, symposiums, etc., are not a big scale and aim to promote dialogue between established professors and graduate students working on new directions. Hence topics from the whole range of human-computer interaction, multimedia, software, design, etc. are welcomed. Last year’s symposiums, workshops, conferences, etc., organized by ALAIPO and AInCI, for instance, included papers on the topics (see below the alphabetical order). An extensive listing connotes and reflects the requirement and also skill necessary to find intersection zones of the disciplines among the different domains, fields, and specialities; which at the same time potentially boosts and merges the formerly different scientific views.
All contributions –papers, workshops, demos and doctoral consortium, should be of high quality, originality, clarity, significance and impact. In the current international conference it is demonstrated how with a correct integration among professionals of formal and factual sciences interesting research lines in the following subjects Innovative Design for Information Architecture, Virtual Communities, Emerging Interactive Technologies, Hypermedia, Mobile Computing, Intelligent Web-Based Business, Metrics and Quality Evaluation, Security, Social and Human Factors, Communicability, Computer Sciences, Systems and Software Engineering, and other computational areas are solicited on, but not limited to (alphabetical order):
:: Access Control and Privacy Protection
:: Access to Online Information: Rights and Obligations
:: Administration Security Policy
:: Advanced Multi-modal Interfaces for Security
:: Attack Information: Analysis for Detection and Prevention
:: Authentication Mechanisms and Systems
:: Business and Security Risk Models
:: Business Intelligence for Local and Global Users
:: Business Intelligence and Business Analytics
:: Business Ontology
:: Business Quality Models for Universities, Enterprises and Industries
:: Cloud Backup and Recovery
:: Cloud Compatibility and Interoperability
:: Cloud Development Tools and Applications
:: Cloud Programming Models and Paradigms
:: Cloud Quality Services and Costs
:: Communicability for Business Intelligence
:: Consequences of the Cyber Destruction and International Legislation
:: Cryptographic Protocols
:: Cyber Behaviour
:: Cyber Destructors and Parochialism
:: Cyber Security Automation
:: Data Management and Security for Outsourcing
:: Data Privacy and Security
:: Data Warehousing for Business Intelligence
:: Database: Design, Security and Authorization
:: Digital Cartography for the Localization of the Cyber Destructors
:: Digital Contents and Copyright Protection Techniques
:: Education and Cloud Computing
:: Ethics and Aesthetics of the Interactive Contents Online and Off-line
:: Evaluation of the Impact of Security Efficiency on User Satisfaction
:: Federated Database System and Cloud Computing
:: Firewall Systems and Management
:: Green and Original Cloud Applications
:: Hacking Democracy
:: Health Informatics, Health Technologies and Information Privacy
:: Heuristic Evaluation for Cyber Attacks
:: Human and Social Factors in Security and Confidential Information
:: Identity Theft Protection and Profession Cloning Detection
:: Information Architecture Design for Cloud Computing and Security
:: Information Society and International Legislation for New Technologies
:: Intellectual Property and Copyright
:: Intelligent Information Systems and Security Services
:: Interactive Design for International Users Security and Privacy Information
:: Interfaces Models and the Interaction with Security Systems
:: Intrusion Detection
:: Key Management and Authentication
:: Library Systems and Database Development for Information Architecture
:: Methods and Techniques for Stopping Attacks in Social Networking
:: Mobile Cloud for Industrial Production and Business
:: Mobile Security Systems and Technologies
:: Multimedia Mobile Data Vulnerable
:: Multimedia Mobile Phone for Business Intelligence
:: Natural Interfaces, Communicability and Strong Security for Interactive Systems
:: Network Security Engineering
:: Network Security Issues and Protocols
:: Networking for Business Intelligence
:: Networking Security Systems for Cloud Computing
:: New Media and Marketing for Cloud Computing
:: Ontology for Private and Confidential Information Management
:: Open Software and Commercial Software for Anti-virus
:: Persuasion and Manipulation of the Online Information for Business
:: Pervasive Systems and Ubiquitous Computing in the Cloud
:: Privacy and Integrity of the Information for Outsourcing
:: Privacy in Cloud Computing
:: Psychiatry for Cyber Destructors
:: Quality Attributes and Metrics for the Evaluation of the Cyber Destructors
:: Real-time Business Intelligence
:: Security Certification: Standardization and Guidelines
:: Security in Grid
:: Security Policies and User Behaviour
:: Security, Trust and Privacy in Commerce Online
:: Semantic Computing and Security
:: Social Psychology and Human Behaviour in Safety, Security and Privacy
:: Special Algorithms for Optimization Security and Cloud Computing Information
:: Standard and High Performance Cloud Computing
:: Strategies for Cloud Assessment
:: Techniques and Methodologies for Virtual Defense
:: Theory and Applications of Cryptology
:: Usability Engineering and Communicability for Information Architecture
:: Veracity, Credibility and Reputation Management
:: Voice, Face and Signature Recognition Systems for Security
:: Vulnerability Analysis
:: Web 2.0: Safety and Security
:: Web 3.0 and Business Intelligence
:: Wireless Data Communications and Privacy


