Comune di Sanremo :: Italy

Fifth International Conference on

Horizons for Information Architecture, Security and Cloud Intelligent Technology ( HIASCIT 2017 )

Programming, Software Quality, Online Communities, Cyber Behaviour and Business

:: Sanremo – Italy ::

July 3 – 5, 2017

AInCI: International Association of Interactive Communication

ALAIPO: Latin Association of HCI

::. BBK .::
Birkbeck University of London

::. CNR - IMM .::
National Research Council

::. FUN .::
Future University Hakodate

::. GATECH .::
Georgia Institute of Technology

::. HAN .::
HAN University of Applied Sciences
the Netherlands

Indian Institute of Management Rohtak

::. ITB .::
Institute of Technology Bandung

::. IUAV .::
University of Venice

Kettering University

::. KNU .::
Kainan University

::. MCU .::
Ming Chuan University

::. METU .::
Middle East Technical University

::. MJU .::
Myongji University
South Korea

::. MSU .::
Moscow State University

::. NHU .::
Nanhua University

::. NUU .::
National United University

::. POLSL .::
Politechnika Slaska University

::. PURDUE .::
Purdue University

::. QUT .::
Queensland University of Technology

University of Sheffield

::. TSINGHUA .::
Tsinghua University

::. U-AIZU .::
University of Aizu

::. UB .::
"Vasile Alecsandri" University of Bacău

::. UBA .::
Universidad de Buenos Aires

::. UCC .::
University College Cork

::. UCR .::
Universidad de Costa Rica
Costa Rica

::. UEF .::
University of Eastern Finland

::. UGR .::
Universidad de Granada

::. UHK .::
University of Hong Kong

::. UIOWA .::
University of Iowa

::. UM .::
University of Malta

::. UMD .::
University of Michigan-Dearborn

::. UNC .::
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

::. UNED .::
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

::. UNIBO .::
Università di Bologna

::. UNIGE .::
Università degli Studi di Genova

::. UNILJ .::
University of Ljubljana

::. UNIMIB .::
University of Milano–Bicocca

::. UNJU .::
Universidad Nacional de Jujuy

::. UNIVE .::
Università Ca' Foscari Venezia

::. UNSE .::
Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero

::. UofO .::
University of Ottawa

::. UOI .::
University of Ioannina

::. UPR .::
Universidad de Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico

::. US .::
Universidad de Sevilla

::. USC .::
University of Southern California

::. UTN .::
Universidad Tecnológica Nacional

::. UWI .::
University of the West Indies

::. VMMI .::
Virtual Maastricht McLuhan Institute
the Netherlands

::. WASEDA .::
Waseda University

::. WSU .::
Wayne State University




Keynote Speakers and Relators. Anna Parodi. Università degli Studi di Genova (Italy), Ana Pérez (Universidad de Sevilla, Spain), Tom Murphy. University College Dublin (Ireland), M. Cipolla Ficarra (ALAIPO & AInCI) and F. V. Cipolla Ficarra (book presentation).

:: Technology-Enhanced Human Interaction in Modern Society (book presentation)
:: Cyber Security Strategies and Advices for Generation 'Z'
:: Security Properties of Software Architectures: Reasoning about Statistical Information
:: Online Communities and Information Professionals in Spain: A Cyber Behaviour Analysis
:: The Influence of Public Information and New Media between Europe and Latin America: A First Empirical Assessment

Official Language: English. Additional Languages: Italian, Spanish and French


[ July 3 ]

:: Registration

:: Welcome and “Benvenuta”

:: Tourism and Cultural Heritage –Sanremo, Italy

:: Work in progress ...

Keynote Speakers, Relator, Workshop, Papers and Demos :: 13:30 – 18:30

:: Work in progress ...

Papers, Demos and Posters

:: Work in progress ...

::: Coffee break ::: 16:15 – 16:30

:: Work in progress ...

Excursion # 1: Cultural heritage in Sanremo: Art Nouveau (Liberty).

[ July 4 ]

:: Registration ::: 8:45 – 9:00

:: Remarks 9:00 – 9:15

Keynote Speakers, Papers, Demostration Session :: 9:15 - 13:00

:: Work in progress ...

::: Coffee break: ::: 10:45 – 11:00

:: Work in progress ...

::: 13:15 - 14:15 Lunch :::

Papers, Demos, Posters and Demostration Session :: 14:15 – 18:15

:: Work in progress ...

::: Coffee break ::: 16:15 – 16:30

:: Work in progress ...

Excursion # 2: Cultural and natural heritage in Sanremo and the Province of Imperia: The house and the gardens of Alfred Nobel, and museums.

[ July 5 ]

:: Remarks 9:00 – 9:10

Workshop and Papers :: 9:10 – 12:30

:: Work in progress ...

::: Coffee break: ::: 10:30 – 10:45

:: Work in progress ...

::: 12:30 - 13:30 Lunch :::

:: Work in progress ...

:: Closing Remarks

Excursion # 3: Cultural and natural heritage in Liguria Region: "Itineraries of Claude Monet."


Keynote speakers, keynote relators, papers, demos, posters and research-in-progress accepted (alphabetical order): Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Belgium, Canada, China, Cuba, Curaçao, Denmark, France, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Panama, Philippines, Poland, Spain, Taiwan, Turkey, Ukraine, UK, USA, and Venezuela.

:: S01 ::
Cyber Security Strategies and Advices for Generation 'Z' :: Keynote
:: S02 ::
Efficiently Uses Network Bandwidth: Examples from Real Applications :: Paper
:: S03 ::
Electronic Frauds: Two Cases Study from Credit Cards Companies :: Demo
:: S04 ::
Experiments with Mainstream Fault Localization Technology * Best Paper *
:: S05 ::
Online Communities and Information Professionals in Spain: A Cyber Behaviour Analysis :: Keynote
:: S06 ::
Philosophy and Applications of Physics in Improving Social Security :: Demo
:: S07 ::
Quantifying of the Quality Communication for an Ecological Industry :: Demo
:: S08 ::
Research and Education Systems in Catalonia: Hormonal versus Neuronal Approach to Subversion Problems :: Paper
:: S09 ::
Scheduling Tasks Systematically and Well-Organized for Computing Simulation * Special Mention: Research *
:: S10 ::
Security and Simplicity with a Neural Cryptography Method :: Short Paper
:: S11 ::
Security Properties of Software Architectures: Reasoning about Statistical Information :: Keynote
:: S12 ::
Software Quality Control: Tracking Systems Roles and Development Methodologies :: Paper
:: S13 ::
System Engineering and Security Education: The Importance of Innovative Curriculum :: Short Paper
:: S14 ::
Technology-Enhanced Human Interaction in Modern Society :: Handbook Presentation - IGI Global (Hershey, USA)
:: S15 ::
The Business of Signing Agreements Between Universities for Increasing of Slavery and Human Alienation :: Paper
:: S16 ::
The Cloud Security Adminstration Tools and Cryptography Techniques :: Poster
:: S17 ::
The Customized Filesystem with Dynamic Stripe Strategies on Lustre-based Hadoop :: Paper
:: S18 ::
The Influence of Public Information and New Media between Europe and Latin America: A First Empirical Assessment :: Keynote
:: S19 ::
The Relationship between Mass Media Content, New Technologies and Cientific Divulgation: Studying Illegal Methods of Control from the Spanish Universities :: Paper
:: S20 ::
User Analysis and Data Mining: An Experimental Algorithm Evaluation :: Paper
:: S21 ::
UX and a Tablet App Project for Business :: Demo
:: S22 ::
Wireless Sensor Networks and the Indices of Protection :: Poster
Hardware & Software Companies - Didactic Demos Sessions #1: StartUp & Services in Abruzzo, Italy
Monderator: A. De Matthaeis - CNR
:: S25 ::
Cloud Consulting
:: S26 ::
Cloud Hosting
:: S27 ::
Cloud Intelligent
:: S28 ::
Disaster Recovery
:: S29 ::
Managed Virtual Private Server
:: S30 :: Virtual Data Center
Workshop #1 :: Information Architecture (Papers, Demos and Research-in-Progress)
Moderator: T. Murphy, PhD
:: S29 ::
Malware Analysis Certification through Specialized Courses with Virtual and Real Tutors
:: S30 ::
Mutative Game-Based Biological Defense Mechanism in Ports of Shipment
:: S31 ::
Security Efficiency: Structure, Multi-User Analysis and Real-Time Information
:: S32 ::
Towards to Security Models and Protocols for Recreational Drones
:: S33 ::
Using Chip Authentication for Medical Actions and Medicines Administration Control
Workshop #2 :: Global Village, Education and Security (Papers and Demos)
Moderator: F. Cipolla-Ficarra, PhD
:: S34 ::
Challenges into Digital Culture Management
:: S35 ::
Human Factors and the Trend Changes in the Safety Management
:: S36 ::
"Masterland" and the Desperate Search for Asian and American Students
:: S37 ::
Transforming Digital Challenges into Digital Opportunities: Truths and Lies
:: S38 ::
Vulnerability Analysis and the "G" Factor

N.B.The program with table time it will be distributed to attendees at conference rooms.

5th International Conference on Horizons for Information Architecture, Security and Cloud Intelligent Technology (HIASCIT 2017): Programming, Software Quality, Online Communities, Cyber Behaviour and Business :: Sanremo - Italy :: July 3 - 5, 2017

5th International Conference on Horizons for Information Architecture, Security and Cloud Intelligent Technology (HIASCIT 2017): Programming, Software Quality, Online Communities, Cyber Behaviour and Business :: Sanremo - Italy :: July 3 – 5, 2017

IGI Global :: USA Nova Science Publishers :: USA CRC Press :: USA

Blue Herons Editions :: Canada, Argentina, Spain and Italy

MicrosoftHewlett PackardElectronic ArtsOcé


CADdyGedisa EditorialPTC



Serena Digital


Disney Research :: USA

Computer Graphics World :: USAComputer Graphics World :: USAMarcelo Penna Group :: Spain

Houdini :: CanadaAir Inuit :: Canada

Turismo :: Italy

Agenzia Regionale per la promozione turistica "in Liguria" :: Ufficio Territoriale di Sanremo, Italy

Embassy of Argentina in Italy

Nice - France :: Site Officiel de Nice Tourisme et Congrès

Blue Herons Editions :: Canada, Argentina, Spain and Italy

HCI Lab :: 1997 - 2017 # Celebrating 20 Years of Freedom, Dignity and Resistence #


© 1997 - 2017 AINCI & HCI Lab