Break News * * * Call for Papers * * * Break News
First International Conference on Gardunia Factor in Informatics Education and Learning Disinformation
International Conference with Papers, Short Papers, Posters, Demos, Research-in-Progress, Workshops, Doctoral Consortium, and Books / Handbooks Presentation.
Call for Papers :: First International Conference on Gardunia Factor in Informatics Education and Learning Disinformation (GARFIIELD 2025) :: Madrid, Spain :: October, 15 – 17th, 2025
Over the years, there has been a distinction between education and learning, as well as between communication, information and data, to name a couple of examples. However, nowadays they are mistakenly used as synonyms, through new information technologies, and more specifically, in social networks and in educational institutions. From the perspective of communication theory and information technology, the sum of each of the contributions made by the pioneers and specialists of the 20th century provided a more accurate picture of reality and context.
A reality that could not be easily manipulated by traditional media (press, radio and television) as it is now, through the bits of information technology or the pixels of plasma screens. In addition, when this manipulation undermines the foundations of the democratic system, those responsible for it must assume responsibility for the seriousness of such events, particularly in the places where future generations are educated.
Usually, teachers have as their main role to impart knowledge or skills in the educational process. Education is a formal process that can be developed within physical classrooms and/or at a distance, through virtual classrooms or campuses, thanks to the democratization of the Internet. On the other hand, the learning process is more extensive and long-lasting over time, since it involves a constant acquisition of new knowledge, skills and abilities, through various channels or communication instruments, whether interactive or not.
Through education and learning, today, millions of human beings are trying to quickly acquire the basic knowledge to understand the functioning, the main benefits and possible disadvantages of artificial intelligence, but with a great difference from what happened in the process of democratization of the Internet at the end of the 20th century. This contrast is that the media have begun to emit two alarm signals, in the social metamorphosis that is intended to be achieved in the short term. On the one hand, the imposition of an ambivalent model of the democratic electoral system, through the algorithms used by artificial intelligence, that is, “algocracy.”
This is a bipolar paradigm: Algorithms + democracy, or also, algorithms + autocracy. On the other hand, this last equation has begun to be observed with educational corruption and verticalist / authoritarian power, which is being silently implemented in the classrooms.
Both alarm signals have begun to sound lately, at the time of choosing the main institutional authorities (rectors), supposedly respecting the statutes of university autonomy. However, the media tells us that democracy no longer exists in certain academic areas, due to the expansion of the G Factor (G = Garduña / Gardunia). These first signs reveal the possibility of losing the democratic system in universities.
These educational centers should have as their north in their daily activities universal access to secular education, and not formative commercialism. As is well known, “education” and “health” are the two fundamental pillars of any society that calls itself developed from a cultural point of view. Therefore, it is necessary to examine in detail this negative factor called the Garduña (Spanish) or Gardunia (English), which from the computer sciences is not only eating away at the foundations of universities founded in the 13th century (Salamanca), or those nominally referred to European royalty (Madrid), or new international university (La Rioja) to cite a couple of examples from the Mediterranean, but also promotes social and global disinformation.
While many in the education and computer science sector present themselves as data analysts, promoters of educational excellence, specialists in the didactic use of the latest information and communication technologies, strategists in the transfer of knowledge between the university and industry / business, promoters of SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) with artificial intelligence, organizers of ethics committees, etc., the truth is that the media and its professionals observe how telling the truth and exercising freedom of expression is no longer possible because the Gardunia intend to impose the gag law throughout our planet.
In this space we intend to unite synergies to counteract that negative factor that is the Garduña / Gardunia, which implies in an explicit and implicit way the annihilation of the democratic system through the ICTs. Therefore, in this space we invite all communicators (editor, journalist, publicist, web content manager, and so on), teachers, students, researchers, industrialists, businessmen, etc., to present true cases of personal and/or group experiences, results of experiments, reports of criminal acts, detailed verification of fraud, and so on; ranging from the granting of academic degrees, scholarships, prizes, and so forth, rigged in advance, publications arranged between friends, pathological narcissism in social networks, university elections with allegations of fraud, favoritism for access to lifelong teaching positions and the rest of the illegal actions that the members of the Garduña / Gardunia enjoy with global “immunity” and “impunity.” These actions are being transferred to artificial intelligence systems through the use of chatbots and ethics committees of local people.
This is a reality that is already affecting the quality of education, the veracity of online data and the transparency of citizen information and communicability. Below is a first set of main and secondary themes, which can be expanded by potential participants in this international conference:
· Algocracy.
· Assessment: Freedom of Expression.
· Damage Reputation through False Statements.
· Destruction of Human Dignity with Illegal Algorithms and AI.
· Ecosystems of Immoral Behaviors.
· Education Narcotized.
· Fact Checking Tools.
· Fake Professional Ethics.
· Gardunia Factor in Higher Education: Individual, Social and Economical Consequences.
· Information and Communication Technologies: New Generations and Labor Effect of University Inbreeding.
· Manufacture of Academics, Professorships, Doctorates, Master's Degrees, Awards, and Scholarships from Universities, Institutions, Associations, Organizations and Foundations (Public / Private / Hybrid).
· Mapping of Corrupt Centers (Education / Learning / Research and Development).
· Mass Media and New Media: Training Role.
· Models of Information Distortions.
· Parochialism and Online Provocations: Measurement of Modus Operandi.
· Pseudo Sciences Diffusion from Women Studies.
· Right of Information.
· Right to Free, Public and Secular Education.
· Scientific Information: Censuring the Reality.
· Social Methodologies for Detecting Cyber-bullyism / Bullyism, Bossing and Stalking in CS (Computer Science), HCI (Human-Computer Interaction), UE (Usability Engineering), UX (User Experience), UCD (User Centered Design), AR (Augmented Reality), VR (Virtual Reality), MR (Mixed Reality), RI (Retrieval Information), and STREAM (Science, Technology, Reading / Recreation / Robotics, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics).
· Social Networks: Studies of Dynamics and Statics Contents.
· STREAM: Myths and Realities from Social Communication.
· Techniques of Distinction between Data, Information, Communication and Communicability.
· Universal Human Rights and Information Technologies.
These are some of the reasons why this space is opened for constructive debate, the presentation of projects, new paradigms, discourse analysis methodologies, techniques for detecting fake news, etc., among other tools that can facilitate the task of information and communication professionals, given the emergence of artificial intelligence. These first topics do not exclude others that can be added to the set. All of them will be welcome. This list must be complemented with another pillar of culturally developed societies, such as the process of learning and education of a secular, free and universal type. That is, maintaining the basic principle that the media not only inform, but also educate people.
Kind regards,
International Secretariat
* * * Break News * * * Handbooks * * * Break News * * *
H a n d b o o k
"Handbook of Research on Software Quality Innovation in Interactive Systems"
Editor: Francisco V. C. Ficarra ~ Publishing: 2021
Free Access Online
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H a n d b o o k
( Human-Computer Interaction collection )
On an Edited Handbook to be Published by Blue Herons Editions in 2020
Title: "Interaction Techniques and Technologies Applicable to Learning and Teaching: Changing Relations between New Media, Users, Contents and Evaluation of Interactive Systems"
Editor: Francisco V. Cipolla Ficarra
Co-editors: Jacqueline Alma (Vancouver, Canada), Mary Brie (La Valletta, Malta), Miguel C. Ficarra (Spain and Italy), Alejandra Quiroga (Sydney, Australia), Kauru Sumi (Hakodate, Japan), Wen-Yuan Jen (Miaoli, Taiwan), and Luisa Varela (Perpignan, France)
Editorial Assistants: Amélie Bordeaux (Lyon, France) and Donald Nilson (Oslo, Norway)
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H a n d b o o k
( Omnidirectional Lighthouse collection )
On an Edited Handbook to be Published by Blue Herons Editions in 2020
Title: "Video Games and Aesthetic Function of Computer Graphics in Interactive Systems: Software and Communicability Strategies"
Editor: Francisco V. Cipolla Ficarra
Editorial Assistants: Mary Brie (La Valletta, Malta) and Luisa Varela (Perpignan, France)
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* * Call for Chapters * * * Call for Chapters * * * Call for Chapters * *
H a n d b o o k
( Software and New Technologies collection )
On an Edited Handbook to be Published by Blue Herons Editions in 2021
Title: "Advantages Recent Developments in Human-Computer Interaction and Quantum Computing Applied to Nature, Society, and Education"
Editor: Francisco V. Cipolla Ficarra
Co-editors: Anna Parodi (Genoa, Italy), Jacqueline Alma (Vancouver, Canada), Franco Casali (Bologna, Italy), Kaoru Sumi (Hakodate, Japan), Wen-Yuan Jen (Taiwan, China), Diego González (Bologna, Italy), et al.
Editorial Assistants: Mary Brie (La Valletta, Malta) and Luisa Varela (Perpignan, France)
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H a n d b o o k
( Informatics and Emerging Excellence in Education collection )
On an Edited Handbook to be Published by Blue Herons Editions in 2021
Title: "Open and Distance Education for All: Exploring Creative Pedagogy Methodologies and Evaluating Uses of Information Technology"
Editor: Francisco V. Cipolla Ficarra
Co-editors: Jaap van Till (Amsterdam, the Netherlands), Jacqueline Alma (Vancouver, Canada), Lastenia Bonilla (San José, Costa Rica), Alejandra Quiroga (Sydney, Australia), Alan Radley (Blackpool, UK), Andreas Kratky (Los Angeles, USA), et al.
Editorial Assistants: Mary Brie (La Valletta, Malta) and Amélie Bordeaux (Lyon, France)
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H a n d b o o k
( Pixels collection )
On an Edited Handbook to be Published by Blue Herons Editions in 2021
Title: "Redesigning User Interface and Graphics Applications in Education, Medicine and Engineering: New Trends for Computational Imaging and 3D Simulation Technologies"
Editor: Francisco V. Cipolla Ficarra
Co-editors: Alejandro Frangi (Sheffield, UK), Jaap van Till (Amsterdam, the Netherlands), Jacqueline Alma (Vancouver, Canada), Alan Radley (Blackpool, UK), Kaoru Sumi (Hakodate, Japan), Laurence Bender (Buenos Aires, Argentina), et al.
Editorial Assistants: Mary Brie (La Valletta, Malta) and Donald Nilson (Norway, Oslo)
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H a n d b o o k
( Cyber Behaviour collection )
On an Edited Handbook to be Published by Blue Herons Editions in 2022
Title: "Finding a Balance Between Human Privacy Rights, Web Security and Openness: Techniques and Methods from Social Sciences, Software and Artificial Intelligence"
Editor: Francisco V. Cipolla Ficarra
Co-editors: Alan Radley (Blackpool, UK), Jaap van Till (Amsterdam, the Netherlands), Wen-Yuan Jen (Taiwan, China), Annamaria Poli (Milan, Italy), Mohamed Hamada (Aizu, Japan), Eulogia Mendoza (La Pampa, Argentina), Miguel C. Ficarra (Spain and Italy), et al.
Editorial Assistants: Mary Brie (La Valletta, Malta) and Jim Carré (Willemstad, Curaçao)
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* * * Books in Progress * * * Books in Progress * * *
B o o k
"Assessment Methods and Successful Factors for Digital Education and New Media"
Editor: Francisco V. C. Ficarra ~ Publishing: 2021 ~ Work in progress
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B o o k
Title: "HCI and the Excellence in Animations and Digital Games"
Editor: Francisco V. C. Ficarra ~ Publishing: 2022 ~ Work in progress
News * * * Books * * * News * * * Books * * * News
H a n d b o o k
( Pixels collection )
On an Edited Handbook to be Published by Blue Herons Editions in 2019
Title: "Examining New Points of View in Web Engineering, Visual Interfaces, Motion Graphics and Human-Computer Communicability"
Editor: Francisco V. Cipolla Ficarra
Co-editors: Jacqueline Alma (Vancouver, Canada), Mary Brie (La Valletta, Malta), Miguel C. Ficarra (Spain and Italy), Alejandro Frangi (Leeds, UK), José Hamkalo (Buenos Aires, Argentina), Kaoru Sumi (Hakodate, Japan), and Donald Nilson (Oslo, Norway)
Editorial Assistants: Jim Carré (Willemstad, Curaçao) and Luisa Varela (Perpignan, France)
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H a n d b o o k
( Computational Science and Engineering collection )
On an Edited Handbook to be Published by Blue Herons Editions in 2018
Title: "Expanding Horizonts in Smart Cities, Software Engineering, Mobile Communicability, Cloud Technologies, and Big-data"
Editor: Francisco V. Cipolla Ficarra
Co-editors: Jacqueline Alma (Vancouver, Canada), Amélie Bordeaux (Lyon, France), Miguel C. Ficarra (Spain and Italy), Carlos García Garino (Mendoza, Argentina), Diego González (Bologna, Italy), Wen-Yuan Jen (Taiwan, China), and Tom Murphy (Dublin, Ireland)
Editorial Assistants: Mary Brie (La Valletta, Malta) and Luisa Varela (Perpignan, France)
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B o o k
Title: "Optimizing Human-Computer Interaction With Emerging Technologies"
Editor: Francisco V. C. Ficarra ~ Publishing: 2018 More Information
B o o k
Title: "Technology-Enhanced Human Interaction in Modern Society"
Editors: Francisco V. C. Ficarra, Maria V. Ficarra, Miguel C. Ficarra, Alejandra Quiroga, Jacqueline Alma, and Jim Carré ~ Publishing: 2017 More Information
H a n d b o o k
( Cyber Behaviour collection )
On an Edited Handbook to be Published by Blue Herons Editions in 2017
Title: "Cyber Destructors of the Sciences: Studies in Education, Culture, Employment and New Technologies"
Editors: Francisco V. Cipolla Ficarra et al.
Editorial Assistants: Sonia Flores (Spain), Amélie Bordeaux (France) and Valeria Villarreal (Argentina)
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H a n d b o o k
( Pixels collection )
On an Edited Handbook to be Published by Blue Herons Editions in 2017
Title: "Advancing in Human-Computer Interaction, Creative Technologies and Innovative Content"
Editor: Francisco V. Cipolla Ficarra
Co-editors: Kim Veltman (Maastricht, Netherlands), Kaoru Sumi (Hakodate, Japan), Wen-Yuan Jen (Taiwan, China), Jacqueline Alma (Vancouver, Canada), Annamaria Poli (Milan, Italy), Donald Nilson (Oslo, Norway), Jim Carré (Willemstad, Curaçao), and Miguel C. Ficarra (Spain and Italy).
Editorial Assistants: Mary Brie (La Valletta, Malta) and Luisa Varela (Perpignan, France)
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H a n d b o o k
( Informatics and Emerging Excellence in Education collection )
On an Edited Handbook to be Published by Blue Herons Editions in 2016
Title: "Reimaging the Education and Improving the Interactive Systems: New Researches for Mobile Multimedia, Emerging Devices, Design and Communicability"
Editor: Francisco V. Cipolla Ficarra
Co-editors: Kim Veltman (Maastricht, Netherlands), Jacqueline Alma (Vancouver, Canada), Wen-Yuan Jen (Taiwan, China), Mary Brie (La Valletta, Malta), Luisa Varela (Perpignan, France), Alan Radley (London, UK), Donald Nilson (Oslo Norway), and Miguel C. Ficarra (Spain and Italy).
Editorial Assistants: Julia Ruiz (Gerona, Spain) and Amélie Bordeaux (Lyon, France)
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H a n d b o o k
( Computational Science and Engineering collection )
On an Edited Handbook to be Published by Blue Herons Editions in 2015
Title: "New Perspectives from User Interfaces and Semantic Web: Information Quality, Advanced Interdisciplinary Applications and Combination of the Technologies Challenges"
Editor: Francisco V. Cipolla Ficarra
Co-editors: Kim Veltman (Maastricht, Netherlands), Alan Radley (London, UK), Luisa Varela (Perpignan, France), Andreas Kratky (Los Angeles, USA), Jim Carré (Willemstad, Curaçao), Vasileios Paliktzoglou (Joensuu, Finland), and Miguel C. Ficarra (Spain and Italy).
Editorial Assistants: Mary Brie (La Valletta, Malta) and Donald Nilson (Oslo, Norway)
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H a n d b o o k
( Pixels collection )
On an Edited Handbook to be Published by Blue Herons Editions in 2015
Title: "New Chalenges in Computer Graphics, Robot Vision, Visual Interfaces and Information Sciences"
Editor: Francisco V. Cipolla Ficarra
Co-editors: Kim Veltman (Maastricht, Netherlands), Kaoru Sumi (Hakodate, Japan), Wen-Yuan Jen (Miaoli, Taiwan), Georges Győry (London, UK), Miguel C. Ficarra (Spain and Italy), Alan Radley (London, UK), Jacqueline Alma (Vancouver, Canada), Mary Brie (La Valletta, Malta), and Luisa Varela (Perpignan, France)
Editorial Assistants: Jim Carré (Willemstad, Curaçao) and Donald Nilson (Norway, Oslo)
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H a n d b o o k
( Cyber Behaviour collection )
On an Edited Handbook to be Published by Blue Herons Editions in 2015
Title: "Web Attacks, Security Computer Science and Parochialism of the Cyber Destructors: Concepts and Analysis from Informatics and Social Sciences"
Editor: Francisco V. Cipolla Ficarra
Co-editors amd Editorial Assistants: Sonia Flores (Spain), Donald Nilson (Norway), Jim Carré (Curaçao), Amélie Bordeaux (France), Mary Brie (Malta), Luisa Varela (France) and Valeria Villarreal (Argentina)
Editorial Assistants: Julia Ruiz (Gerona, Spain) and Giselda Verdone (Florence, Italy)
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H a n d b o o k
Title: "Handbook of Research Interactive Information Quality in Expanding Social Network Communications"
Editor: Francisco V. C. Ficarra ~ Publishing: 2015 More Information
H a n d b o o k
( HCI collection )
On an Edited Handbook to be Published by Blue Herons Editions in 2014
Title: "Strategies for a Creative Future with Computer Science, Quality Design and Communicability"
Editor: Francisco V. Cipolla Ficarra
Co-editors: Kim Veltman (Maastricht, Netherlands), Kaoru Sumi (Hakodate, Japan), Jacqueline Alma (Vancouver, Canada), Mary Brie (La Valletta, Malta), Miguel C. Ficarra (Spain and Italy), Domen Verber (Maribor, Slovenia), Bojan Novak (Maribor, Slovenia), and Andreas Kratky (Los Angeles, USA)
Editorial Assistants: Jim Carré (Willemstad, Curaçao) and Donald Nilson (Norway, Oslo)
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H a n d b o o k
( Computational Science and Engineering collection )
On an Edited Handbook to be Published by Blue Herons Editions in 2013
Title: "Scientific Computing, Communicability and Cultural Heritage: Future Trends in Software and Interactive Design"
Editor: Francisco V. Cipolla Ficarra
Co-editors: Kim Veltman (Maastricht, Netherlands), Chih-Fang Huang (Zhongli, Taiwan), Wen-Yuan Jen (Miaoli, Taiwan), Jacqueline Alma (Vancouver, Canada), Miguel C. Ficarra (Spain and Italy), Mary Brie (La Valletta, Malta), Andreas Kratky (Los Angeles, USA) and Luisa Varela (Perpignan, France)
Editorial Assistant: Jim Carré (Willemstad, Curaçao)
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B o o k
Title: "Advanced Research and Trends in New Technologies, Software, Human-Computer Interaction and Communicability"
Editor: Francisco V. C. Ficarra ~ Publishing: 2013 More Information
H a n d b o o k
( Pixels collection )
On an Edited Handbook to be Published by Blue Herons Editions in 2012
Title: "Emerging Software for Interactive Interfaces, Database, Computer Graphics and Animation: Pixels and the New Excellence in Communicability, Cloud Computing and Augmented Reality"
Editor: Francisco V. Cipolla Ficarra
Co-editors: Kim H. Veltman (Maastricht, The Netherlands), Domen Verber (Maribor, Slovenia), Chih-Fang Huang (Taiwan, China), Mary Brie (La Valetta, Malta), Miguel C. Ficarra (Italy and Spain), Vili Podgorelec (Maribor, Slovenia), Jacqueline Alma (Vancouver, Canada), and Luisa Varela (Perpignan, France)
Editorial Assistant: Donald Nilson (Oslo, Norway)
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H a n d b o o k
( Informatics and Emerging Excellence in Education collection )
On an Edited Handbook to be Published by Blue Herons Editions in 2012
Title: "Computer Engineering and Innovations in Education for Virtual Learning Environments, Intelligent Systems and Communicability: Multimedia Mobile Technologies, Experiences in Research and Quality Educational Trends"
Editor: Francisco V. Cipolla Ficarra
Co-editors: Kim H. Veltman (Maastricht, The Netherlands), Chih-Fang Huang (Taiwan, China), Domen Verber (Maribor, Slovenia), Miguel C. Ficarra (Italy and Spain), Mary Brie (La Valletta, Malta), Jim Carré (Willemstad, Curaçao), and Donald Nilson (Oslo, Norway)
Editorial Assistant: Luisa Varela (Perpignan, France)
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H a n d b o o k
( HCI collection )
On an Edited Handbook to be Published by Blue Herons Editions in 2012
Title: "New Horizons in Creative Open Software, Multimedia, Human Factors and Software Engineering"
Editor: Francisco V. Cipolla Ficarra
Co-editors: Kim H. Veltman (Maastricht, The Netherlands), Jacqueline Alma (Vancouver, Canada), Miguel C. Ficarra (Italy and Spain), Mary Brie (La Valletta, Malta), Jim Carré (Willemstad, Curaçao), and Andreas Kratky (Los Angeles, USA)
Editorial Assistant: Luisa Varela (Perpignan, France)
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H a n d b o o k
( Computational Science and Engineering collection )
On an Edited Handbook to be Published by Blue Herons Editions (Computational Science and Engineering collection) in 2011
Title: "Computational Informatics, Social Factors and New Information Technologies: Hypermedia Perspectives and Avant-Garde Experiencies in the Era of Communicability Expansion"
Editor: Francisco V. Cipolla Ficarra
Co-editors: Andreas Kratky (Los Angeles, USA), Kim Veltman (Netherlands), Miguel C. Ficarra (Italy and Spain), Emma Nicol (Glasgow, UK) and Mary Brie (La Valletta, Malta)
Editorial Assistant: Doris Edison (Vancouver, Canada)
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Title: "Advances in New Technologies, Interactive Interfaces, and Communicability"
Editors: Cipolla Ficarra, F., et al.. ~ Publishing: 2011
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H a n d b o o k
( HCI collection )
On an Edited Handbook to be Published by Blue Herons Editions (HCI collection) in 2011
Title: "Advances in Dynamic and Static Media for Interactive Systems: Communicability, Computer Science and Design"
Editor: Francisco V. C. Ficarra
Co-editors: Andreas Kratky (Los Angeles, USA), Mauricio Pérez Jiménez (La Laguna, Spain), Miguel C. Ficarra and Emma Nicol (Glasgow, UK)
Editorial Assistant: Mary Brie (La Valletta, Malta)
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Title: "Human-Computer Interaction, Tourism and Cultural Heritage"
Editors: Cipolla Ficarra, F., et al. ~ Publishing: 2011
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Title: "Quality and Communicability for Interactive Hypermedia Systems: Concepts and Practices for Design"
Editor: Francisco V. C. Ficarra ~ Publishing: 2010 More Information
Title: "Persuasion On-Line and Communicability: The Destruction of Credibility in the Virtual Community and Cognitive Models"
Editor: Francisco V. C. Ficarra ~ Publishing: 2010 More Information
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